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Saturday, April 02, 2011

Sadsbury plans spring road work

Sadsbury Township supervisors met for a road tour March 12 and opted to solve several ongoing road problems.

Supervisors plan to redo Buck Hill Road from Ella Lane to the township line; patch the bridge at Creek and Steelville Mill roads; and find a solution to bamboo plantings along Creek Road, which overlap the road during ice and snow storms.

Roadmaster Jeff Nickel says the bamboo blocks the road, and plows can’t go through the hanging plantings because they could damage the plows. The matter is on the agenda for the township’s April 5 meeting.

During the March 1 meeting the township road crew received thanks from resident Mark Leatherman for snow cleanup and pothole repair along Carolyn Drive.

Supervisors also appointed Timothy Manley as an alternate member on the township’s zoning hearing board, for a three-year term.

In a separate matter, supervisors referred to their attorney a problem with Barbara Zook who resides across from the township building on White Oak Road. Supervisor Linda Swift explained there has been Canadian thistle on the property, which is considered by the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture to be a noxious weed. The township has an ordinance calling for removal of such weeds, which spreads to neighboring fields.

Swift said Zook was brought before District Justice Isaac Stoltzfus, but has not paid her fine. Supervisors asked attorney Frank Mincarelli to write Zook a letter about the overdue fine and to remind her about removal of the noxious weed.

Finally, supervisors approved: allowing Samuel L. Stoltzfus to run a concrete-enclosed line from his manure pit under an Amtrak line; looking into renting a street sweeper and sharing the cost with another municipality; and power-washing the township building prior to its use on election day.